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5:17 pm - August 12, 2009
Doin' the Stuff
    That's it. DH is no longer allowed to bring me coffee without supervision.

    I got home from G-ma's house today for the first time in days, dragging my tired butt behind me, and requested nap or caffeine. I got a heavily spiked irish coffee, so much so that I kept having to add more coffee to it-- resulting in about three cups of the stuff. I am now so closely resembling the hyperactive squirrel from the movie Hoodwinked as to be indistinguishable. If I drank coffee regularly, I might be able to take over the world... (ooh, scary thought!)

    Why so tired, you ask? Because the G-meister has been having a bad spell for the past several weeks, requiring 24-7 care. And staying up to chat with DH when he gets off work at 2am doesn't jibe with waking up at 7am to handle dressing/feeding/bathroom/exercising with G-ma. I'm wound a leettle tighter than usual right now. Oh, and did I mention the PMS I'm having this week? I'd probably try to dose me up with booze and caffeine, too. (Actually, given my absolute delightfulness the past three days, I might have given me something more along the lines of arsenic or cyanide.)

    But, as you can see, I am Finally At Home. Typing on my beloved computer. I have e bayed; I have net flix-ed; I have Go Fug Yourself-ed. Utter bliss. And I still have four more hours that I am supposed to "Go Do Something Fun", so I believe the proper term for right now is WOOOHOOOO!!!

    Now, where did he put that coffee pot...

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