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8:08 pm - October 10, 2005
Rebound's not just a basketball term
Hmm. Where to start...

Lost the 10lbs. Not as dramatic an effect as I'd thought it would be, but, hey. We can't all have visible cheekbones. Some people actually prefer round baby faces, I hear.

Manwich is still gone. I'm having a hard time not being sad. I resent my impotence in the whole situation--there was nothing I could do beyond saying I wasn't unfaithful. But maybe this was just a thing, an excuse. The whole "He's just not that into you" phenomenon in action. Eff if I know. Some days are great, I get up, work like a whirlwind around the house (made turkey chili from scratch today, it was wonderful) and, basically have a normal day. Other days, things are just so exhausting I have trouble getting out of bed, let alone handling all the things I need to for G-ma.

Those days really, really suck.

On more confusing subjects, though, there's this new guy. Well, to be exact, I knew him and had a ridiculous crush on him nine years ago. He calls four times a day and seems to think he loves me. Yeah. Weird, huh?

I've told him that I'm not ready for anything, but he's persistant. Not to mention that it's pretty nice to hear how incredible you are constantly. Well, that's him on the phone now, so more next week.

Heh. Pray for strength for me, okay?

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