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1:34 pm - December 20, 2004
Home, home on the Maytag Range

I am back in America's Heartland.

This is the yearly sojurn to visit one's parents and strangely adult-like brothers. (OMG, they have facial hair--this is distressing as I still envision them as being 3 and 5.)

As of official day-two of visit, things are going well. Er, apart from the freezing temperatures, several days of no cigs and my dad's almost pathological need to play Scrabble.

(In a family of very competitive near-geniuses, that I am the least competant Scrabble-player EVER makes me less than excited to participate. Don't even talk to me about what happens when we play Trivial Pursuit. Somehow, the word "Trivial" is made very, very ironic.)

But I played.

I demonstrated good will.

I am Making An Effort.

I got 181 points. *insert appropriate happy-dance*

So. Upcoming: an exciting trip to the dentist (always a source of humorous one-sided conversations: "So, how's school going?" "Mgnnth, Hawagaaah onngth!") a church christmas-caroling-thing (torturing various shut-ins and altzheimer patients--they're slower and can't run away from us!) and the infamous Christmas-shopping scramble (where we all realize that we've forgotten crucial gifts At The Last Minute and try to all go shopping together. This is similar to shopping with vultures or flesh-eating zombies with PMS during the Apocalypse)

Ah, yes, life is good.

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