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8:28 pm - January 09, 2007
More complaining than usual.
I am so tired of losing people. Losing my best friend of years last June to, well, I still don't know why we're not talking anymore. But I finally got up the courage to ask for some of my things back, so that's slightly positive.

Losing another dear friend to suicide on New Year's Eve. No matter how long it had been since we'd talked, it was never strange or uncomfortable. We just seemed to always click ever since we met when we were 13. There's nothing positive about this one, except perhaps that if she was done with it all, I'm glad she's not hurting anymore.

Losing the crazy boyfriend, stupidly. Okay, that last bit was overdue, I was starting to become an insecure mess and didn't even like the feel of myself anymore. Even if it does make me sad that he didn't want it to work out with me. Gad, I'm a whiney one.

Like I said, though, I'm tired of losing people. I want this year to be the one where I don't lose anybody else. I don't need any new people, I just want to spend time with the ones I know, get to know them better and FOR FUCK'S SAKE, I DON'T WANT TO LOSE ANYBODY ELSE!!!

(yes, I know, taking deep breaths now.)

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